Yes! Social Media Can Boost Your Career!

An image of someone checking social media notifications on their phone and laptop, discovering ways that social media can boost their career.

Social media is one of the most powerful career-building resources in a college student’s toolkit. From meeting professionals to finding jobs and internships, using social media offers a wealth of opportunities, connections, and experiences — if you know how to find them!

Here are five tips for how to use social media to help you discover your passions, land a job or internship, or build your network.

1. Know Your Platforms

Many social media platforms exist, from LinkedIn to TikTok. Here are a few of my favorites for advancing your career:


Handshake is the #1 way students search for jobs and internships. Top employers, including all the Fortune 500 companies, recruit students through this online job platform. As an EFSC student, you already have a Handshake account — you just need to claim it with your EFSC login credentials.

Handshake is designed with students in mind, meaning you’ll have access to entry-level, little-to-no-experience job and internship opportunities with flexible schedules. You can message employers directly and connect with other students who have had similar work experiences. You’ll also be the first to hear about Career Service’s Career Café events and job fairs.


With about 800 million users, LinkedIn is a top spot for people looking for work. You can use it to create a captivating profile, build your network, join groups, incorporate work samples, and accumulate recommendations and endorsements.


Some employers place job advertisements on Facebook. You can find these opportunities by typing “Jobs on Facebook” into the search window on the site. However, Facebook’s greatest value is the opportunity to reach out to your contacts for help with your job search. You might be surprised who on your friends list knows someone in animation, graphic design, aerospace engineering, or respiratory therapy!

X (Formerly Twitter)

Active X (Twitter) users can develop and promote themselves by posting information of interest to individuals in their field. One benefit of X is the free-flowing communication that allows you to talk directly to recruiters and hiring managers without the need to submit a resume first.


Instagram is a good way to establish yourself while demonstrating your social media skills and enhancing your overall digital presence. It’s also a smart way to glean information and insights about a company where you might want to work.

2. Keep It Professional

Post What’s Appropriate

Social media is fun because it allows you to express yourself. However, remember that most employers will search for your name when you apply to work, and they may even browse your social media account! Because of this, it’s best to only post content on social media that you would be okay with a future employer seeing. As a rule, avoid posting inappropriate pictures or comments.

Complete Your Profile

To give your profile the best visibility — and to ensure it portrays you well — fill in any informational fields, profile pictures, and banner images. When possible, use a professional headshot for your profile picture, choose a banner that represents your personal brand (think work/portfolio samples, your workspace, your education, your career, etc.), and fill in the fields with your academic, career, and personal achievements.

3. Share Your Wins

When you achieve, learn, or create something, shout it to the world on your social media accounts! This is the best way to inform others about your goals, dreams, and professional/academic pursuits. It also ensures that any employers browsing your profile will see your successes, projects, and proactive attitude.

Try to update your social media profiles at least once every six months (think of it like an annual or semi-annual check-up). Be sure to delete any profile information that’s no longer relevant. However, we also recommend posting relevant content more frequently than this — at least once per month, if not more often.

4. Showcase Your Best Headshot or Profile Picture

What’s a headshot? It’s a professional image, typically framed from the shoulders up, that captures your personality, personal brand, and professionalism. Headshots make ideal profile pictures. Why? Because your profile picture will be other people’s first impression of you. Getting it right is critical to managing your personal brand.

There’s no one right way to approach a profile picture; however, a few tips can boost its positive impact:

  • Because profile pictures are small, ensure you’re the only person in the shot and that you take up about 75% of it.
  • Choose illuminating lighting, plain; clutter-free backgrounds, and natural filters.
  • Most importantly, be you in the picture. Wear clothes that match your brand — what you work in or are known for. It doesn’t have to be formal business attire. If you’re a cosmetologist, showcase your hairstyle; if you’re an aerospace technician, consider your work polo or uniform. Ultimately, look like you so that others can immediately identify you.

5. Network, Network, Network

When pursuing your dream career, who you know makes all the difference. In the past, networking occurred on elevators, at business mixers, over formal dinners, and in the break room. While you can still make incredible connections this way, social media provides a faster and wider-reaching method.

Start with the friends, family, classmates, and acquaintances you’re already connected with on social media. You’ll be surprised what a simple “Does anybody know anyone who works in voice acting/veterinary nursing/aerospace engineering?” post may accomplish. You likely have many professional connections among people you already know!

However, social media also allows you to connect with new people worldwide. Whether you want to design collectible anime figurines, develop new rocket technology, research mechanical prosthetics, or create covers for novels, you can find others with the same interests, connect with them on social media, and converse with them via chat or video. LinkedIn is especially useful for connecting with professionals.

Ready to Put Yourself Out There?

Whether you’re deciding on a career path or major, searching for a job or internship, or looking to develop yourself professionally, EFSC Career Services can help you achieve your goals.

If you’d like additional advice on how to tailor your social media accounts for maximum professional impact (or anything else career-related), reach out to the Career Center closest to you today!

Casey Covel
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