A globe sitting on an Apple keyboard. The shift key on the keyboard says "ACCESSIBILITY," representing the college disability accommodations process.

Are There IEPs and 504 Plans in College?

College Prep

Here at Student Access for Improved Learning (SAIL), our main function is to ensure that students with documented disabilities receive academic accommodations in their classes and in testing environments. Accommodations in college create equal access and to remove barriers to learning. For example, accommodations include taking tests and quizzes in a quiet location, receiving extra

Are There IEPs and 504 Plans in College? Read Post »

A veteran in camouflage holding a pen filling out a form. He is drawing upon military transition college advice to complete the process.

College in My Sights: Life as a Student Veteran

College Prep

No matter how long a person has served, transitioning out of the military has its challenges. For example, you’ll need to immediately answer, “What’s next?” Some people (myself included) choose college as the next step. While transition classes are normally provided to service members re-entering civilian life, my biggest piece of advice when it comes

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