A young Black woman with hair past her shoulders stands smiling and contemplating state college vs. university in front of a building adorned with performing arts posters.

State College vs. University: Making the Right Decision

College Prep Student Life

As you graduate high school and enter the next phase of life, you’ll face pivotal decisions, including whether to attend a state college or a university. That decision will provide you with knowledge for a career, bring new responsibilities, and help you grow into a full-fledged adult. For many, this phase includes college. It can […]

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The back of a woman with brown hair, a black scarf, and a brown leather backpack. She's walking through fog with cliffs on either side of her, symbolizing tutoring session preparation tips.

What To Bring To Every Tutoring Session


If you’ve just scheduled your first tutoring appointment with the Academic Success Center or Writing Center, you might be wondering what you need to bring or how you can prepare for it. Depending on the type of session you scheduled — math, writing, science, business, or computers — you will want to bring certain items along. Below is a list of items, physical or digital, that you can prepare in advance. Enjoy these helpful tutoring session

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Jaime Braudrick, a smiling woman with blonde hair in a braid, hoop earrings, and an Eastern Florida shirt, points with both hands to a word cloud on a wall, giving first-term at EFSC advice.

To My Cashier at Publix


It was a normal weekday evening. After dinner, I decided to run to the grocery store to get enough groceries for the week. I typically go on the weekend, but it just hadn’t happened that particular weekend. I grabbed what I needed, then headed to the shortest checkout line. The cashier asked, “paper or plastic,” then looked at my shirt. Being employed at Eastern Florida

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An empty journal and pencil with glasses beneath them. String and a magnifying glass sit to the left of the journal. Under the journal is a rustic map, symbolizing EFSC Academic Success Center resources.

Resources You Didn’t Know Were in the Academic Success Centers and Writing Centers


You may have heard an Eastern Florida State College employee speak in your classrooms about our Academic Success Centers or Writing Centers. If so, you know we offer free tutoring for your EFSC math, writing, science, business, and computer courses. But did you know that our EFSC Academic Success Centers offer many other resources as well? 1. Computers In our centers, you have access to computers, where you can work on your papers and research, or MyMathLab, Hawkes, and ALEKs. If you happen to have a question about your assignments, you

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