Kendall Rountree in graduation robes holding up a diploma next to his parents.

Kendall Rountree: From EFSC To Harvard and Beyond

Academics College Prep Just for Fun Student Life

Education is a lifelong journey that shapes our perspectives, skills, and aspirations. Kendall Rountree’s academic trajectory exemplifies that transformative power of education. From starting at Eastern Florida State College (EFSC) as a high school student to earning a Bachelor of Liberal Arts in Humanities at Harvard University, Kendall’s story showcases the importance of exploration, perseverance,

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A 3D thermal X-Ray of lungs. Respiratory care students work with x-rays such as these.

How Respiratory Care Students Change Somebody’s World


Would others describe you as compassionate, persistent, and calm under pressure? Are you both a hands-on and a textbook learner? Do you dream of going to bed each night knowing that you made a difference in someone’s life? EFSC’s Respiratory Care A.S. degree could be the perfect program for a student like you! Standing on the front lines against cardiopulmonary diseases, respiratory therapy has

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