Why did you choose college?
Whether you’re aiming to grow as a person, master marketable skills, fulfill a dream, or set an example for others, you’re here for a reason. College is an incredibly rewarding experience filled with various challenges to conquer — and sometimes you may feel like an anime protagonist facing off against overwhelming odds (read: looming deadlines, final exams, group projects, and research papers!).
Here are seven quotes from anime characters to inspire college success, help you push past your limitations, reach your potential, and pick yourself back up again.
1. “My Motto Is To Be Stronger Than Yesterday. If I Have To, I’ll Be Stronger Than Half a Day Ago, Even a Minute Ago!” ~ Rock Lee, Naruto
Rock Lee was modeled after the real-life Bruce Lee, and his story is just as inspiring. Unlike other ninjas in his village, Rock Lee was born without the ability to use ninjutsu — a form of magical ninja arts. However, instead of focusing on his disability, Rock Lee and his mentor focused on improving Lee’s hand-to-hand combat abilities — making him one of the most powerful ninjas in his age group. Lee says this quote when he’s pitted against a copy of himself, forcing him to become just a bit stronger than his copy to win.
It’s easy to compare ourselves to others in college — those we perceive as “born with natural talent” or “smarter.” But the fact is, if we look hard enough, we’ll always find someone more skilled than us. Instead of focusing on others’ abilities, we should focus on what we can control: our actions and thoughts. Don’t aim to be the best: aim to be better than the “you” of yesterday — or, perhaps, the “you” of one minute ago.
2. “The Ticket To the Future Is Always Blank.” ~ Vash the Stampede, Trigun
Moving on is hard. Accepting failure is harder. Vash the Stampede, who struggles to uphold peace-loving ideals in a violent world, meets with constant failure on his journey. In his most difficult moments, he remembers the words of his foster mother: that life is a series of train stations, but we get to choose the destination of our ticket before we step onboard.
When we score lower than we want on a test, must rewrite a paper, or withdraw from a class, we get to choose what we do next. It might be a big step like taking a remedial class, or a small one like emailing our teacher for clarification. However, all actions taken toward goals are steps of courage.
3. “The Moment You Think of Giving Up, Think of the Reason Why You Held on So Long.” ~ Natsu Dragneel, Fairy Tail
When faced with an opponent he can’t beat, Natsu remembers why he fights: for his friends. This gives him the power to keep going even when the situation seems hopeless.
Why did you choose to come to EFSC? Are you setting an example for your children’s future? Learning new skills to help you break into your dream career? Challenging yourself so that you can reach your potential? When you face a setback or intimidating hurdle, remember your “why” — and how much time and energy you’ve sacrificed to get this far.
4. “You Can’t Gain Anything Without Losing Something First.” ~ Edward Elric, Fullmetal Alchemist
As an alchemist, Edward lives by the Law of Equivalent Exchange: you can only create something by using up something else. Giving up one thing is the only way to gain something you value even more.
What have you given up in order to achieve your goals in college? Earning a degree is an investment — one that costs not just money, but also time and physical/mental energy. Some of us may even have to give up false beliefs about ourselves — sacrificing our perfectionism, our self-doubt, or the negative voices in our heads in order to gain what we desire most. Let this anime quote remind you: You’re in college for a reason. Don’t sell yourself short. (And, yes, I’ll resist the temptation to make an Edward Elric “short” joke here.)
5. “The Difference Between a Novice and a Master Is That a Master Has Failed More Times Than a Novice Has Tried.” ~ Koro-Sensei, Assassination Classroom
The homeroom teacher of Class 3-E knows a thing or two about mastery and failure. Koro-Sensei might be a giant yellow octopus… thing… but his words ring true.
It’s easy to get caught up in perfectionism, seeing our first *gasp* B-grade as a mark of falling short (spoiler: it’s not!); or to look at a failed exam or assignment as proof that we just aren’t cut out for college (spoiler: also not true!). The most successful people are often the “biggest failures” — learning thousands of ways to do something wrong before finally learning the best way for them personally. Rather than seeing failure as a life-shattering, no-going-back consequence, see it as a steppingstone in your path to success — another paver that brings you closer to your goal!
6. “To Be Perfect Is To Be Unable To Improve Any Further.” ~ Mayuri Kurotsuchi, Bleach
He may not be the best all-around role model, but Kurotsuchi — a token “mad scientist” obsessed with analyzing literally everything that breathes (including himself!) — has some wise words to share about perfection. As human beings, we are always striving to improve. It’s how we grow, and growth is proof that we’re alive. Perfection is the enemy of ambition, because it means we have nothing more to strive for — whether that be our ever-evolving imagination or the new knowledge we gain.
In college, it’s admirable to hold yourself to a standard of excellence. But remember that perfection is an unattainable dream. Strive to do your best, so that you have no regrets, but be kind to yourself when you get a 75/100 on your mid-term or see “please rewrite” at the top of your essay. Remember: growth is proof that we’re alive.
7. “Remember the Lesson, Not the Disappointment.” ~ Holo the Wise Wolf, Spice & Wolf
Take it from an ageless wolf spirit: Rejection, failure, and falling short of your own expectations… stings. That lingering feeling at the pit of your stomach or that echoing voice in your head will stick around if you fixate on it. It’s important to feel and process your emotions, but once you’ve worked through them, it’s best to focus on your next steps. What can you learn from your disappointment? What can you do differently next time? You are never powerless, and your next step is always yours to take.
Eastern Florida State College Is Here for You!
Feeling inspired to “Go beyond (PLUS ULTRA!)”?
Whether you need tutoring for a challenging subject, guidance on your career path, or assistance choosing the right classes, EFSC is here to support you every step of the way. With a few anime quotes to inspire your college success, we can’t wait to watch you succeed this semester!
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