Three students sitting and talking together, practicing good soft skills.

8 Soft Skills That You Can Master in College

Academics Careers Just for Fun Student Life

What are soft skills? Think of them as things you are — either in-born characteristics or ones you’ve honed through life experience — that make you the type of person that others want on their team. When employers evaluate you as a job/internship candidate, they consider your soft skills — because these will determine how

8 Soft Skills That You Can Master in College Read Post »

A young Black woman with hair past her shoulders stands smiling and contemplating state college vs. university in front of a building adorned with performing arts posters.

State College vs. University: Making the Right Decision

College Prep Student Life

As you graduate high school and enter the next phase of life, you’ll face pivotal decisions, including whether to attend a state college or a university. That decision will provide you with knowledge for a career, bring new responsibilities, and help you grow into a full-fledged adult. For many, this phase includes college. It can

State College vs. University: Making the Right Decision Read Post »

Portrait of Heather Allen, a white woman with long blonde hair, glasses, and a thin golden necklace wearing a gold-red paisley dress, who serves as coordinator for the EFSC Career Services department.

Every Student Needs Career Services: An Interview with Heather Allen

Academics Careers Student Life

It’s hard to overstate the pivotal role that EFSC Career Services plays when you’re in college. Whether you’re just starting to explore academic paths or preparing to embark on your professional journey, the guidance and resources they provide are invaluable. We had a chance to chat with Heather Allen, a dedicated professional from EFSC Career

Every Student Needs Career Services: An Interview with Heather Allen Read Post »

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