Mr. Titan holding a gavel next to the text "Run for the Collegewide Student Government." The image evokes the benefits of college student government.

Get Involved: Student Government Association 101

Academics College Prep Student Life

Getting involved with student government is common in high school. It’s a very popular extracurricular activity to list on college applications. Did you know that participating in student government can also pay off through increased leadership skills that boost your résumé? It’s true: Joining student government in college has many benefits! Every college and university […]

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Justin Miller in Eastern Florida State College green bachelor graduates robes, representing students with disabilities.

Graduate Highlights the Value of SAIL Accessibility Services

Academics College Prep Student Life

When Justin Miller stood up out of his wheelchair and walked across the stage unassisted during Eastern Florida State College’s Fall 2022 commencement ceremony, his fellow graduates soon rose to their feet as well, cheering him on. The 28-year-old Melbourne Campus student was born with cerebral palsy and has no control over the right side

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