Pay It Forward: Why It’s Important To Support Your Alma Mater

Wooden blocks with "Give" printed on them. representing the mission of EFSC Alumni Support.

After you graduate from EFSC, you’re most likely seeking employment or choosing to further your education. That’s usually how it goes — and we’re always excited to hear about those next steps in your professional career. That said, as we approach this season of giving, it’s important to take a step back and not only reflect on how far you’ve come, but also on how you got to where you are today.

When it comes to education, everyone’s story looks a little different. Some may have received support via student scholarships. Others may have had really great mentors who encouraged them along the way. A few may have seen their friends and family earn a college degree and decided that they could do it, too. No matter how you got to graduation day, there was probably a defining moment that helped to get you there.

As an EFSC alum myself, I was very fortunate to be surrounded by support from mentors who helped me to navigate my educational path. I take pride in my alma mater and in having gone to a state college. You don’t have to attend a university to have school pride and spirit! After I got settled in a career, I started volunteering my time by serving on the Alumni Association Board. This was important to me because I not only wanted to thank my mentors by giving back, but also because I wanted to help other alumni.

When most people think of giving, they think of giving money, but it’s so much more than that. But why should you give? When our college reputation rises (or falls), you’re tied to the brand. It’s not just current students who have the power to make the college excellent; alumni do, too! And it’s not just the school that benefits. In the process of engaging with your alma mater post-graduation, you also strengthen your personal and professional experience.

Here are some different ways you can show EFSC alumni support to your alma mater by giving:


Volunteering your time can mean many things! You could serve on a board, help with events, or even share your wisdom by speaking in front of a class or at a student event. Alternatively, you could become a community partner through the Center for Service-Learning and Civic Engagement and give back by guiding current students in their own volunteer efforts.


Share your school spirit on social media! This is a simple way to show that you care and support your alma mater. Be sure to follow EFSC’s accounts and join the Alumni Association Facebook group, where you can engage with the latest happenings by liking and sharing posts.


One of the many great things about EFSC are the functions you can still attend as an alum — and supporting current students at their events is a great way to give back to the college! Be sure to check out our student plays, concerts, athletic games, and other special events.


And of course, the most common way to give is financially. You don’t have to give a large amount of money to make a difference. No amount is too small! When you give financially, know that your money is going directly to support EFSC students who will one day be alumni, too.

No matter what next steps you take in life, be sure to stay in touch with your alma mater. After all, we love sharing in and celebrating your successes, both large and small.

Jaime Braudrick
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