Which Video Game Character Shares Your MBTI Personality?

An action figure of a video game character, Master Chief, from Halo, one of the characters featured in the video game character MBTI matches.

Have you ever heard of the MBTI? That stands for the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator—one of the most famous personality assessments in the world. The MBTI is one of many assessments offered by the  Career Center, and best of all, it’s completely free! By completing one of these assessments, you can discover: 

  • What careers fit you best
  • How you fit into the team dynamic 
  • Your strengths and areas of improvement 
  • Insight into who you are as an individual 

MBTI isn’t to fit you into a box. Instead, it pinpoints your specific preferences and how they connect with the world around you. 

A Quick Crash Course on MBTI Preferences 

The MBTI evaluates you on four dichotomies, giving you a preference percentage for each. You receive a letter representing each of the four dichotomies you score strongest in. Rather than think of these dichotomies as “absolutes,” it’s more helpful to think of them as “preferences.” Just you prefer your left or right hand, you’ll prefer introversion or extroversion. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have features of the opposite preference! In the same way you might be right-handed, but still use your left hand, you may be introverted but have some extroverted tendencies. The MBTI aims to help you identify these preferences to become more self-aware and flourish in your environment. 

The Four Dichotomies Are:

  • Introversion (I) vs. Extroversion (E): Do you prefer to spend more time in your head or to focus on the people around you? Does being around others quickly exhaust you or energize you? 

  • Sensing (S) vs.Intuition (N): Do you focus more on the concrete, real, measurable world or on the abstract world of possibilities and ideas? Do facts or theories interest you more? 

  • Thinking (T) vs.Feeling (F): When making decisions, is it more important that your decision is consistent, accurate, and based on guidelines? Or do you focus on unique circumstances, building harmony, and considering the emotions involved in your choices? 

  • Judging (J) vs.Perceiving (P): Do you prefer to be in control of your time and space, watching the clock and planning your day? Or do you take the day as it comes, being flexible and open to possibilities? 

In other words: If you score highest in Introversion, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging, that would make you an ISFJ. 

Once you’ve determined which letters you are, you can research your personality type in greater detail. You can also match yourself with famous people and fictional characters who share your personality. With the popularity of video games rising each year, let’s look at which characters might share your personality type.

Which Video Game Character Are You Based on Your MBTI?  

ENFJ – Glamrock Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy’s) 

Unlike the other animatronics in this best-selling horror series, Glamrock Freddy is a helpful mentor and encouraging friend. He personifies the ENFJ’s desire to positively impact others by doing what’s right—even when it gets you (spoiler warning!) dismantled! Like Freddy, the star of his animatronic band, ENFJs prove natural leaders filled with passion to help others become their best possible selves (“Way to go, superstar! I knew you could do it.”). They’re authentic, socially perceptive, and unafraid to stand for their beliefs. 

ENFP – Sora (Kingdom Hearts) 

Bursting with energy and passion, the ENFP is the “power of friendship” incarnate. Like Sora, ENFPs easily bring people together with their unique ability to understand others’ feelings, making them feel genuinely cared for and special. The ENFP’s charisma and charm convince you that they can accomplish anything they set their mind to—whether battling the Darkness or traveling to a variety of worlds—and their ability to adapt makes them natural problem-solvers and upbeat optimists. Above all, they want to forge deep, emotional connections with others. 

ENTJ – Commander Shepherd (Mass Effect) 

Like the Executive Officer and Lieutenant Commander, Shepherd, ENTJs often land in leadership positions because of the almost in-born way they operationalize others toward common goals. The ENTJ is driven, confident, and rational, ever determined to achieve their goals and conquer the most intimidating challenges. These “larger than life” personalities respect intelligence, entrepreneurship, and accomplishment. Commander Shepherd represents a healthy ENTJ. They get the job done, guided by an inner moral compass. 

ENTP – Claude von Reigan (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) 

The leader of the Alliance, Claude von Reigan, is driven by his unconventional ideals of deconstructing and rebuilding society. This quick-witted, playful personality isn’t afraid to debate popular opinions—often just for the thrill. They’re driven to question conventional methods and test out better options. Like Claude, ENTPs have a natural charisma that easily charms those around them, energizing the room with original ideas and an impressive backlog of accumulated knowledge. 

ESFJ – Princess Peach (Super Mario Bros.) 

This brave, benevolent ruler embodies the ESFJ’s desire to guide others and engage in their communities (or kingdoms!). Family- and friend-focused, the ESFJ enjoys spreading hospitality to all—ensuring support and care for their “subjects”—while guided by a strong moral compass. In their minds, it’s “always right to do right!” ESFJs are among the first to lend a listening ear, ensure everyone at a social has a special time, and remind others of an upcoming birthday.  

ESFP – Ryuji (Persona 5) 

Like Ryuji jumping into traffic to stop a taxi, the ESFP lives in the moment, willing to do anything for a friend. As the “life of the party,” ESFPs are comfortable in the spotlight and love to make even the simplest moments memorable. Their presence livens up a room, often accompanied by a keen aesthetic sense, awareness of moment-by-moment trends, and ultimate ability to turn any situation into a good time. ESFPs are observant, sensitive toward others, and—like Ryuji—forgiving and understanding.  

ESTJ – Carmelita Fox (Sly Cooper) 

INTERPOL Inspector Carmelita Fox represents many of the ESTJ’s shining characteristics: a strong sense of right and wrong (Sly may never get on her good side!), an ability to organize efficiently, and great respect for tradition, integrity, and dedication. ESTJs often acquire authority positions—which they achieve through a “hard work ethic”—and hold great respect for institutions and individuals who rightfully earn their trust. These organizing machines love nothing more than improving the efficiency of an action plan, creating structure in a chaotic workplace, and communicating with straightforward honesty. 

ESTP – Sonic the Hedgehog 

The Blue Blur with a “need for speed” lives life for the daring adventures it brings. The ESTP is an energetic go-getter that’s eager—like Sonic—to leap headfirst into the action (“Gotta go fast!”). Whether it’s the high-octane thrill of a rapid-fire decision or the excitement of getting hands-on with a project, ESTPs love anything that leads to an adrenaline rush (and find most other circumstances foot-tappingly slow). Bold, sociable, straightforward, and fueled by original minds, the ESTP brings life to the party and action to the moment.  

INFJ – Zelda (The Legend of Zelda) 

Like the benevolent ruler of Hyrule, INFJs are guided by a rich inner life of personal values while driven to make a positive global impact on society—or even the whole world! Known as the “Advocate,” INFJs might well live by the motto “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Richly imaginative, deeply thoughtful, and driven by ambition, the INFJ makes it their mission to change lives through their unique combination of creativity, altruism, and passion. (Truly, they are the rightful bearers of the Triforce of Wisdom!) 

INFP – Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII) 

Cloud might pretend he’s “not interested,” but his tough-guy act masks a sensitive and empathetic soul. Like Cloud inventing an entire identity based on his admired heroes, INFPs often live in the world of their mind—conjuring stories, conversations, and imaginations—while soaking in the wonders of human complexity. Moved by art, people, emotions, and nature, the INFP takes in the world with an open mind—and pours just as much of themselves back into it. 

INTJ – Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney) 

Analytical, introverted, and always one step ahead, Miles Edgeworth is the poster child for the INTJ type. As a prosecutor, he favors justice above all else, often going directly to the crime scene and using his intuition to draw logical connections between clues. His lawyering power is—literally—logic, and he plays mental chess (a stereotypical INTJ favorite) with his opponents to get information. Both creative and rational in equal measure, the INTJ pursues knowledge and visions of their future successes. 

INTP – Shulk (Xenoblade) 

Shulk spends his free time developing inventions and trying to unlock the mysterious power within the mythical Monado sword. This fascination with puzzles and their own minds is a core part of the INTP personality type—to the point that they’re almost always thinking. The INTP is idea-driven, curious, theoretical, and often philosophical. Their knack for creativity and out-of-the-box processing makes them natural scientists (literally or metaphorically) in every aspect of life.  

ISFJ – Ganyu (Genshin Impact) 

As the general secretary of the Liyue Qixing, Ganyu takes her work very seriously—even considering it her personal hobby! This embodies the ISFJ’s deep sense of responsibility, which makes them reliable coworkers and classmates. These hard workers are also natural organizers, remembering tiny details such as birthdays, deadlines, and holidays. They value tradition, efficiency, and loyalty, and are among the first to send someone a “checking on you text” or lend a listening ear. Happiest behind the scenes, the ISFJ might well be a magical adeptus hidden in plain sight. 

ISFP – Genji Shimada (Overwatch) 

Like Genji enjoying life to its fullest—from arcades to ramen—ISFPs deeply value their sense of self-expression. What they wear, how they decorate their room, and what they do in their spare time is meant to emphasize their unique sense of self. ISFPs are among the most open-minded and tolerant of all types, much like Genji forgiving Hanzo, and are quick to give others a second chance. This type loves finding joy and meaning in the moment, following whims, and appreciating the gift of the unexpected. 

ISTJ – Geralt (The Witcher) 

Duty-driven and fiercely loyal, Geralt exemplifies many of the ISTJ’s iconic traits. This personality carries a methodical, integrity-fueled mentality of commitment. They don’t need to make promises because their word is their bond, and they have an impressive reservoir of self-control. Give them a task, and they’ll see it through to the end—no matter how long the road or how many monsters they have to hunt. Like Geralt, ISTJs are often the “silent heroes” behind the scenes, holding society together through continuous acts of straightforward honesty and steady reliability. 

ISTP – Master Chief (Halo) 

Calm and mentally quick (even when faced with great danger), Master Chief embodies the ISTP’s preference for “working alone.” Action-oriented, he solves real-time problems with practical logic. If there’s a type capable of surviving The Flood (or any apocalypse, really), it’s the ISTP with their keen ability to read the environment, decipher clues, and use that information to adapt, troubleshoot, and survive. ISTPs love to get “hands-on” with their work, value freedom, and carry a strong sense of fairness. 

Ready to Discover Your MBTI Personality Type? 

Contact the Career Center on your nearest campus to take the MBTI. Whether you prefer to come to the office or complete the assessment via email instructions, we’re happy to work with you. Best of all, you can get matched with video game, anime, and superhero characters (and careers!) that share your type. We look forward to hearing from you! 

Casey Covel
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