6 Ways To Approach Challenges and Make Yourself Stronger

Women crawling through the mud under string in an obstacle course. She's implementing overcoming challenges tips also beneficial for college.

There are many situations in life that we classify as difficult, and that’s when we ask ourselves questions like: Am I going to be able to make it? Can I survive these challenges? I’m worried about the possible outcomes. What should I do? As Nelson Mandela once said, “Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” With that in mind, here are some tips for overcoming challenges:

1. Make a Plan

Assess the optimal outcomes and how you can achieve them. Take a step away from your feelings while you develop a plan. A little organization can do you a world of good!

2. Accept Support (Remember: You’re Not Alone)

Never forget that others are going through challenges as well! But there’s a whole support system available at Eastern Florida State College that can help you academically or with special accommodations (if needed), as well as mentor programs to guide you. Don’t hesitate to reach out and get some support, even if you don’t think you need it.

3. Think Big

It can be easy to let yourself think small because of the fear of failure (or even the fear of making a decision) — but to accomplish great things in life, you have to be open to taking risks. In whatever challenges arise, always think and dream big. That way, you’ll always achieve more than what you imagined! Try not to let your own thoughts stand in your way.

4. Face Your Fears

Taking action is one of the biggest steps in overcoming a challenge. Ultimately, we tend to exist within our comfort zones. So when we’re presented with something new, we may feel like it’s hard to deal with. By practicing gratitude, you can reframe your definition of a challenge, which can help you to face it. Many people find that this makes them more productive (and happier overall).

5. Help Others

You’ll be surprised how much you can help yourself by helping others. Building social capital has a way of coming back around in truly beneficial ways, and the opposite can be said if you don’t bother. As Michael Cadore says, “If you don’t serve your community now, don’t expect your community to serve you later!”

6. Never Give Up

In any challenge, it’s important to see it through to the end. In addition to following the steps above, be sure to organize your thoughts and efforts, and focus on the finish line. Just like when you run a marathon, you need to finish before you can win.

About a year ago, we started to adjust our lifestyles to meet a new reality, and it quickly became apparent that the only way to overcome that challenge was to adapt and face it together. As we hopefully prepare to resume some normalcy in the coming months, remember that communication is still key. Continue to ask for help, seek support, and stay healthy. Family is often a safe haven in challenging times. When you need support the most, your family might mean people at home, work, and school.

Here at EFSC, we’re a big family that supports and loves our Titans unconditionally while offering resources that help you to connect and become more united. Remember that we’re here to support you on your journey to graduation and beyond, especially when times are challenging.

Sal Shimy
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