5 Ways Phi Theta Kappa Helped Me Achieve My Dreams

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society logo with textured paper in the background. It brings to mind the many benefits of Phi Theta Kappa.

I had three “impossible” dreams I wanted to achieve while I was dual enrolled at EFSC:

  1. Become a published author
  2. Travel the United States
  3. Gain professional leadership experience (beyond classroom projects)

I never imagined that an invitation to the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society would unlock all these opportunities and more.

Phi Theta Kappa is the official honor society for colleges with two-year degrees, including Eastern Florida State College. It has over 3.5 million members and recognizes academic achievement. Membership is on a by-invitation basis and requires:

  • A GPA of 3.5 or higher
  • 12 hours of coursework toward an Associate or Bachelor’s degree or at least 6 hours of coursework toward a one-year certificate

This is my PTK story. It will be different than your PTK story, and that’s the beauty of PTK. There are so many opportunities that no matter what your interests, major, or aspirations, being a member of PTK will bring you hundreds of steps closer to achieving your goals. Here are five ways it helped me:

1. Leadership Opportunities

Like any other club, Phi Theta Kappa has multiple leadership positions available, and any member can apply for them. During my time in Phi Theta Kappa, I became the chapter’s webmaster and was responsible for creating and updating the official blog. As part of the leadership team, I gained experience participating in official business proceedings, voting, meetings, organization, event planning, correspondence, and more — all valuable material for my professional resume!

But even if you choose not to become a part of the leadership team, by simply participating in PTK as a member, you will be growing your portfolio by:

  • Volunteering at professional events, banquets, and fund-raising activities (it counts as work experience on your resume)
  • Collaborating with other on-campus clubs and departments (building connections)
  • Networking with business professionals, faculty, and students (it’s all about who you know)
  • Gaining knowledge of business procedures, meetings, and organization (for your future job)

2. Travel Opportunities (Across Florida and the Country)

I never imagined I would get to travel to San Jose, California, during my sophomore year. I ended up staying at a historical hotel, eating gourmet food, attending leadership seminars, and falling in love — with boba tea. PTK made these experiences, which I would not have otherwise had, possible.

Phi Theta Kappa hosts both regional (in Florida) and national (nationwide) conventions each year. If you are active in your chapter or part of the club’s leadership team, there’s an excellent chance you’ll get to travel. You can check out the list of upcoming National PTK Conventions right here.

3. Scholarships and Awards

One million dollars. That’s how much money Phi Theta Kappa gives away in scholarships every year. You could buy your own private island with that amount of money!

In fact, this is the #1 reason most students join PTK.

During my time in Phi Theta Kappa, I earned thousands of dollars in scholarship money. That money not only paid for credits of my A.A. degree, but it also transferred to the University of Central Florida, helping to partially cover the cost of my Bachelor’s degree.

Whether you are a dual enrolled student, a veteran, in a Career Tech program, or in a Health Sciences program, PTK has special scholarships designed just for you. Some of them will not only help pay for your classes at Eastern Florida State College, but they will also follow you into your Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, too!

4. Online and Printed Publications

Being a published author had been my lifelong dream since I was old enough to hold a crayon and scribble gibberish. As the webmaster of my Phi Theta Kappa chapter, I gained experience publishing content online. However, that was only the beginning of what PTK had to offer.

Phi Theta Kappa offers would-be writers multiple opportunities to expand their portfolio. For example, the online newsletter, The Athenian, publishes four issues per year, and any member can submit to it.

Aspiring authors can also try their hand at the annual Note Bene Literary Competition, perfect for short story and poetry writers. Winners not only receive printed publication, but also scholarship prize money. Imagine being able to say, “I’m an award-winning, published author!”

Even if you don’t see creative writing or journalism in your future, having publications on your resume speaks volumes about your accomplishments and professionalism. Because writing is essential to almost every job (from business and law, to game design and engineering), having examples of well-written, published work can only benefit you.

5. Enhanced Resume and Skills

Being a part of Phi Theta Kappa gave my resume a massive boost. Before joining the honor society, I didn’t have so much as a job to put on my resume, but within one year of activities at PTK, my resume included:

  • Managing the official blog of the regional chapter of an international honor society
  • Publishing two award-winning poems in a printed, mass-distributed anthology
  • Traveling to another state to participate in a national leadership conference
  • Collaborating with multiple clubs in over 10 collegiate events for up to 80 students
  • Organizing events, voting on regional issues, and speaking at public gatherings
  • Earning three scholarships for academic achievement, leadership, and creativity

These bullet points also helped prepare me for my future job as a Career Center Coordinator at EFSC.

By simply joining PTK, you have the right to list “Member of Phi Theta Kappa” on your resume — a designation of excellence that is recognized by many employers. But don’t stop there! Engage with this incredible society and the amazing opportunities it has to offer, and you’ll be able to watch your resume grow!

Need help writing your resume or transferring your experiences into words? Reach out to the Career Center for assistance!

Why Join Phi Theta Kappa?

Your achievements and goals are not the result of you making perfect decisions, but rather of throwing yourself fully and heartily into catalysts for growth: networking events, contests, volunteer opportunities, scholarships, self-started projects, clubs, electives, social media, and more.

I believe there are few catalysts more diverse and opportune than the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. You never truly know what impact PTK will have on your own academic story!

For more information about the Phi Theta Kappa chapter on your local campus, check out the clubs page on the EFSC website.

Casey Covel
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