There’s a Class for That!: Success Strategies for College and Life

A notebook with "life planner" written on the cover. it brings to mind Success Strategies for College.

I’ve never been the type to plan ahead. Thinking about the future always overwhelmed me, so I preferred to avoid it and enjoy life as it came. This worked when I was younger and didn’t have many real responsibilities, but as I crept my way into adulthood, I realized I wouldn’t be able to avoid planning forever. It’s impossible to accomplish your goals when you don’t have any. Living in the moment while also having a plan for the future is possible, but you need willpower and motivation to do it. It’s strange to think that a college class could have any effect on that struggle, but SLS-1101 (Success Strategies for College and Life) helped me in ways I never could have imagined.

Navigating the First Year

As my first year of college ended, I decided to schedule an appointment with my Advisor, as the last time I had done so was when I first applied to EFSC and had questions about transferring to a university. I entered that appointment with a sense of relief. Despite some hardships, I had made it through the first year of my A.A. — but when my Advisor began to question my plans for the future, I couldn’t give a solid answer. Instead, I just hesitated and started to list random, unrelated things I eventually wanted to do with my life. I didn’t even know if I wanted to stay in Florida, but I did know that time was quickly passing me by. 

My first year felt like it had only lasted a week, and I had a little over a year left before graduation. Before I knew it, I would be leaving Eastern Florida for a university, where I would have to choose an actual major. Sensing my panic, my Advisor gave me a list of actions I needed to take as soon as possible to start shaping a plan for my future. I was beyond stressed, because I had no clue what I wanted — and the clock was ticking faster than ever.

Discovering SLS-1101

At first, I hadn’t planned on taking any summer classes after my first year, but when I was offered employment at the College, I was told that I had to enroll in at least one class to be eligible. I contacted a friend who had completed her A.A. degree a year prior and asked for suggestions, and that’s when she told me about SLS-1101. When I began this class, I honestly didn’t expect to get much out of it. Imagine my surprise that what I thought was a typical study skills course completely turned my life around.

Overcoming Academic & Personal Struggles

I wish someone had encouraged me to take SLS-1101 during my first semester, because it not only helped me with my educational struggles, but also my personal struggles. I admit that when I began the course, I didn’t find it the most interesting — but that quickly changed. Our assignments consisted of weekly readings and our reflections on them in the form of journal entries. Journaling helped me to examine my insecurities and personal downfalls, but it also helped me to celebrate my accomplishments and the things I am proud of. I liked this strategy so much that I even started an extra journal that was just for me!

With each lesson, I discovered that I sometimes took on the role of a victim. I would blame others for my mistakes just to feel momentary relief from my anger, or I’d make excuses for avoiding my responsibilities because it was easier than acting on them. In the end, I clearly wasn’t accomplishing much with this behavior. Through this course, I came to the realization that I was the sole director of my life, and I alone had the power to control my mindset. This completely changed my outlook on things. Finally, I found myself getting excited for the future, rather than being worried about it.

Keeping Track of Goals

In addition to giving me a new outlook, SLS-1101 also helped me to create some tangible aids for keeping on track. Identifying the ever-changing goals in my head has always been a challenge, and it has often steered me off course. SLS-1101 taught me that I needed to lay out a life plan to look at when I start to lose my bearings. Seeing my dreams presented in detail before me makes them much easier to realize! I also learned that these goals have low success rates when they’re vague, unorganized and erratically chosen. Creating a personal calendar has helped me to become more committed and persistent about achieving my goals, as I now set deadlines for the tasks I want to accomplish. With the help of SLS-1101, I’ve finally been able to create a plan and get a clearer view of what comes next.

Changing Your Life

Five months ago, I didn’t have a clue what I wanted to do with my life. I still don’t have an exact plan, but that’s okay. SLS-1101 has taught me ways to overcome feeling like I don’t have a direction. The rough layout for the future that I’ve created allows me to visualize my goals and immensely reduces my stress levels. Some of the lessons I’ve learned in SLS-1101 will follow me throughout life, and when I reach my next low, I’ll be able to handle it much better with the knowledge I’ve gained.

I’m looking at the future in a way I never believed I was capable of before, and I think if I had taken the class sooner, I would’ve been able to achieve a better balance between enjoying the present and planning for the future — and it’s important to do both! Before you know it you’ll be graduating from college, so don’t forget to enjoy the little moments now. Not only did SLS-1101 help me to recognize what I was missing in life, but it also reminded me to stop and smell the collegiate roses.

Kaitlyn Laplante
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